Time to Pay Arrangement Case Study £2m deferred
This case study is an excellent example of where we can rescue a company without having to use an insolvency mechanism. All parties want to avoid insolvency if possible for the best possible outcome.
- London, Kent and Sussex law firm conveyancing, family and commercial law divisions
- Fee income across 3 entities totalling £8.9m
- KSA negotiated 48 month time to pay deal with HMRC Enforcement office for £916k
- Additionally, we negotiated over £1.1m of unsecured loans with Iwoca, Funding Circle and other loan providers
- Negotiated a CBILS loan with clearing bank, extended loan term by 24 months
- Negotiated exit from 3 unused properties, cutting overheads.
- Based on detailed business planning, highly detailed interlinked forecasts across this group
- Supported by comparison of outcomes between total liquidation losses for creditors and 100p in £1